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An Inherited Tonic For Women


A natural female health supplement derived and improved from the traditional “Bak Foong Wan” formula, the popular women’s tonic used over generations to regulate menstruation. Made of eight precious and potent herbs extracts using advanced Bio-Technology, it promotes easy body absorption. These herbs work synergistically to regulate menstruation and restore the normal menstrual cycle effectively.


  • Increase body absorption with potent and refined herbs extracts.
  • Only 7-day consumption after menstruation.
  • Convenient as it is ready to consume.
  • All natural ingredients used without artificial colourings, chemical addives, stabilizers, preservatives, fillers, binders, excipients and sugar.
Main Functions
  • Regulate menstruation and relieve menstrual pain as well as premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
  • Regulate vaginal discharge & prevent heavy discharge (leucorrhea).
  • Improve blood circulation and increase energy level.
  • Accelerate post-natal or post-illness recovery.