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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the differences between M-HERBS Bak Foong Capsules and the available generic preparations in the market?

The generic preparations available in the market are made from untreated raw herbs while M-HERBS Bak Foong Capsules is made from refined and concentrated herb extracts. As the thick fibrous layers of its ingredients are removed, M-HERBS Bak Foong Capsules dissolves and absorbs faster in cells compared to generic preparations. 3 capsules of M-HERBS Bak Foong Capsules are more than enough to substitute the hundreds of granules of generic preparations.

Is the efficacy of M-HERBS Bak Foong Capsules similar to the generic preparations in the market?

M-HERBS Bak Foong Capsules is more effective than generic preparations as its herbal ingredients have been refined and concentrated using sophisticated extraction technique for better absorption, and thus gives better effects.

Does M-HERBS Bak Foong Capsules cause any side effects?

No. M-HERBS Bak Foong Capsules is made from all-natural ingredients and will not harm the body. This traditional formulation has been used for generations and there has been no evidence of any side effects from long term usage. As the health effects of Chinese herbal formulations are cumulative, long-term consumption is recommended for better results.

Why does M-HERBS Bak Foong Capsules need only to be consumed for 7 consecutive days after menstruation?

In the 7 days after menstruation, the body requires extra nutrients as blood and nutrients are lost, together with the process of regeneration, the rebuilding of the womb lining and the ovulation process. This is the best time for supplementation as the body's nutrient absorption rate is on a natural high and benefits are most obviously seen here.

Can M-HERBS Bak Foong Capsules be taken together with other supplements or medicine?

For best results, it is recommended to wait for at least 4 hours, before taking other supplements or medicine.