A Female Nourishment Supplement
Nutri-Pearl is a female supplement that nourishes women during their menstruation. Integrating traditional preparation, Nutri-Pearl regulates the menstrual cycle, relieves menstrual discomfort, provides a lustrous complexion and helps delay ageing. Just 7 days each month give you a brighter glow!
- Integrates traditional preparation and the latest breakthrough in BIO-technology.
- Specially formulated to fulfill a woman’s biological need.
- Consumption only required for 7 consecutive days after menstruation.
- Ready-to-consume and no cooking required.
- Regulates menstruation; relieves menstrual cramps, menstrual disorders, premenstrual syndromes (PMS) and etc.
- Boosts blood circulation and metabolism.
- Enhances immunity, improves cold limbs, dispels “wind,” prevents edema, backaches and etc.
- Enriches blood and replenishes vital energy.
- Improves complexion and delays ageing.
- Accelerates post-natal recovery; promote uterus involution etc.
- Regulates vaginal discharge:prevents heavy discharge (leucorrhea), vagina dryness etc.
- Increases libido; prevents frigidness and promotes vagina constriction and etc.
- Strengthens reproductive organs and prevents infertility.